Top 20 questions about CBGraph
- How do I use the ClickBank Marketplace?
- What do different ClickBank Marketplace stats mean?
- How do I look for profitable ClickBank vendors with low gravity?
- How can I find ClickBank movers?
- What are Growing ClickBank Vendors? How do I find them?
- What is a vendor page? What can I get on this page?
- Why do some items have negative refund rates?
- What does a gravity delta mean?
- How do I create a new folder?
- How can I add vendors to my folder?
- What are predefined searches? Can you show me some useful examples?
- What does Vendor Presence mean? Can I promote left vendors? How do I look only for existing/left vendors?
- How do I find new ClickBank vendors?
- How do I find a vendor by his/her ClickBank ID?
- How do I use interactive graphs?
- How do I use the 'Order By' control?
- How do I save my ClickBank IDs so they appear in the 'Create a HopLink' window?
- What is the 'Items + Refunds' report?
- How do I find and buy discounted ClickBank products?
- How do I use the 'Categories' report?